1. 好的开始是成功的一半,以下是一些常见的开头句式,帮助你吸引读者的注意力。
* 引用名言或谚语,如:“As the saying goes, ‘Actions speak louder than words.’ My topic today is…”
* 利用疑问句,如:“Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of information in high school? Here are some tips to help you manage it better.”
* 利用时事或热门话题,如:“Recently, the issue of… has been in the news. Today, I want to share my thoughts on this topic.”
1. 衔接句式是让你的文章看起来更连贯、更流畅的关键,以下是一些常见的衔接过渡句式:
* “Firstly,…” “Secondly,…” “Lastly,…” 这些句式可以帮助你列出观点,并让读者清楚地知道你正在讲述的顺序。
* “However,…” “On the other hand,…” 这些句式可以用来表达相反的观点或解释某些情况。
* “What’s more,…” 这个句式可以用来添加更多细节或补充其他要点。
1. 好的结尾是文章的重要组成部分,以下是一些常见的结尾句式:
* 提出建议或解决方案,如:“In conclusion, it’s important to… in order to succeed in high school.”
* 表达情感或态度,如:“I hope these tips can help you navigate high school with ease.”
* 留下悬念或引发思考,如:“What are your thoughts on this? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.”
* “High school is a time of change and growth, where we experience new emotions and experiences.”
* “The school days are filled with joy, learning, and friendships that last a lifetime.”
* “The key to success in high school is not only academic performance, but also self-management and time-management skills.”
* “In my opinion, high school students should be allowed to choose their own path, rather than being forced into a certain academic track.”
* “High school courses are designed to prepare students for further education or career opportunities in the future.”
* “Technology has revolutionized the way we learn and interact in high school, making it easier and more convenient than ever before.”